i360 App FAQs

Why can't my volunteer log-in?

1. Username or password is incorrect

Please ensure that the volunteer's email matches the email that is showing in Contacts > Management. If a volunteer needs their email changed, that can be done from their profile by clicking 'Change Username' in the bottom action bar.

We suggest having the volunteer reset their own password from the app, but Portal users can also make that change for the volunteer. Please review our help guide on Resetting Volunteer Passwords. We recommend notifying your volunteer that their password was changed to avoid confusion.

2. Account is locked 

Please review our help guide on Unlocking Volunteer Accounts if the app is indicating that the volunteer is locked out. Portal users can unlock their own volunteers without needing to contact support. 

3. State is not assigned

Volunteers must have a state assigned to their i360 account to be able to use the Call app. Logging in without a state assigned can result in an error upon login. Assign a state to a volunteer (or user) by accessing their contact profile (Contacts > Management > Search for name & double-click). Refer to the bottom action bar and click 'Edit'. Add the appropriate state in the 'State' field and save.

What time can I start and finish using the apps?

Calling and door knocking is available from 9am to 9pm local time. States with multiple time zones (ex. South Dakota, Texas, etc.) will default to the most conservative time zone for calling. Example: Texas has Mountain Time and Central Time. Calls can start at 9am MT and end at 8pm MT. Calls can start at 10am CT and 9pm CT.

What are the apps available to volunteers?

Volunteers can make calls using the i360 Call app or i360call.com (callingfromhome.com is currently being phased out). Volunteers can knock doors using the i360 Walk app. Both apps are available in the App Store and Google Play Store. Volunteers will send all texts through i360text.com.

What are the check and ballot box icons?

These icons indicate the voting status of users in the walk apps. A ballot box indicates that they have requested a ballot. A check box and ballot box means they have already voted.

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