i360 Call Overview

Update: Starting July 17, 2023, i360 is transitioning customers to a new version of our dialer. Customers can continue to make calls using i360 Call (on iOS or Android) as normal, but the desktop version is changing. Customers on the old dialer will log into callingfromhome.com. Customers on the new dialer will use i360call.com. Please try logging in on both sites to determine which one your organization currently has access to. Customers are enabled to log in to both, but will only see their surveys on the one they are enabled for. By end of 2023, callingfromhome.com will be phased out.

After a call survey has been published and assigned, volunteers can start making calls. Volunteers who prefer to use their mobile devices can make calls using the i360 Call app.

In some situations, volunteers may want to make calls from their computers. Please review our guide on i360call.com for more information on desktop calling.

Download the App to Your Device

i360 Call is available in the App Store on your Apple device or in the Google Play Store on Android. Search i360 Call and select the app and follow the prompts to download.

When i360 Call has finished downloading select 'Open.'

Log In

After launching the i360 Call app, enter the volunteer username and password that was assigned to you by your coordinator. If you are using your own personal device, you can check the Remember Me box, which will save your log-in credentials on this device.

Your username will be the email that was used to create your account. If you are unsure of your credentials, select 'I forgot my password!' or contact your coordinator with questions.

i360 call home screen.png

If you belong to multiple organizations, you'll be prompted to select a single one.

i360 call home screen.png

After logging in, you will be prompted to select a survey.

survey names i360 call.png

If you do not see any survey options on this screen, please contact your field coordinator. It is likely you have not yet been assigned to a survey.

After selecting the survey, you'll be able to preview the call survey script to familiarize yourself before making calls. Select 'Preview' above Automated Dialing to view the script.

Start Survey i360 call copy.png

Automated Dialing

Automated Dialing works most efficiently when four or more individuals are calling for a single campaign at the same time, as that volume triggers the Predictive Dialer. Automated dialing streamlines calls to remove bad numbers or no answers. This calling method includes all phone types specified during the survey creation process.

Automated Dialing will show options to preview your script or begin calling with Take Call

survey screen waiting for connection copy.png

Throughout each call you will also have access to the following options:

  • Mute: This will mute your microphone.
  • Break Between Calls: If selected, the app will wait for your input before the next call is connected.
  • Speaker: Will activate the speaker on your device, removing the need for a headset.
  • Add as Volunteer: Allows you to add a new volunteer into the call.

Once you are connected to a voter, you will be brought to a new screen. It will display the target’s address, the script, the household response options, and the voting members of the household.

survey respondent answered.png

The targeted individuals in the survey are denoted by a star; their age and gender are included in parentheses. If unable to survey the target(s), be sure to select the appropriate household response.

Note: Only select Do Not Call if a voter specifically requests not to be called again as this will remove the number from future call lists.

Once connected with a targeted voter follow the survey script, input their answers, and select Next to move to the next question. When finished select another target to survey if possible or select Hang up and Submit to continue on to the next call.

Note: If the call drops, select 'Dropped', and you will be moved to the next caller.

Important: Pre-Recorded Voicemails

At the time of this article's publishing, pre-recorded voicemails are not available to most clients due to recent regulatory changes. If your organization does have it enabled, please review all regulations with them before calling.


If you are experiencing issues making calls, please have a look at our i360 Call Best Practices guide.

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